What Loanwords Tell Us about Spanish (and Spain)
Using one lexicographical tool, the Diccionario Crítico Etimológico Castellano e Hispánico (DECH), and two corpora, the HathiTrust’s digital library and the Google Books Ngrams, we tracked the occurrence of thousands of loanwords in Spanish to describe their use,...
The Preliminaries Project: Geography, Networks, and Publication in the Spanish Golden Age
This study uses information gleaned from the front matter, or preliminaries, of Spanish Golden Age texts to model the social networks underpinning the early modern publication industry. Using a data-driven approach, we examine the historical and political conditions...
Overview – The Social Media Data Processing Pipeline
This chapter provides a broad introduction to the modelling, cleaning, and transformation techniques that must be applied to social media data before it can be imported into storage and analysis software. While each of the above topics in itself encompasses a wide...