Evolving Creativity: An Analysis of the Creative Method in elBulli Restaurant
In this Uncategorized we present an analysis of the creative method developed in the restaurant elBulli (www.elbulli.com) over the period 1987-2005. elBulli has been the 5-time recipient of the Best Restaurant in the World by Restaurant Magazine, and media,...
Unidad sin Orden: Milagros, Rituales y Caos en el Potosí Barroco
En este artículo se discuten tres hilos de la narrativa de Bartolomé de Arzáns en su Historia de la Villa Imperial de Potosí: la riqueza minera de la ciudad, las desgracias naturales y la negociación frente a estas entre ser humano y divinidad. Arzáns opta por una...
The Life of Lazarillo de Tormes and of his Machine Learning Adversities: Non-Traditional Authorship Attribution Techniques in the Context of the Lazarillo
Abstract Summit work of the Spanish Golden Age and forefather of the so-called picaresque novel, The Life of Lazarillo de Tormes and of His Fortunes and Adversities still remains an anonymous text. Although distinguished scholars have tried to attribute it to...