El Humanista Digital
La era digital ha transformado de manera profunda el sentido y la proyección de las humanidades. Pero no en el sentido catastrofista que algunos temen. Para Stanley Fish, el trabajo de académico de las humanidades empleado por una universidad para enseñar textos...
SylvaDB: a Polyglot and Multi-Backend Graph Database Management System
This paper presents SylvaDB, a graph database management system designed to be used by people with no technical knowledge. SylvaDB is based on flexible schema definitions and has been developed taking into account the need to deal with semantic information. It relies...
Towards a Digital Geography of Hispanic Baroque Art
In this Uncategorized we propose an approach to the study of art history based on geography of Hispanic Baroque art by digital means that showcase the multiplicity of possible places of art. Our study advances four elements of a digital geography of art (communities,...
Evolving Creativity: An Analysis of the Creative Method in elBulli Restaurant
In this Uncategorized we present an analysis of the creative method developed in the restaurant elBulli (www.elbulli.com) over the period 1987-2005. elBulli has been the 5-time recipient of the Best Restaurant in the World by Restaurant Magazine, and media,...
Unidad sin Orden: Milagros, Rituales y Caos en el Potosí Barroco
En este artículo se discuten tres hilos de la narrativa de Bartolomé de Arzáns en su Historia de la Villa Imperial de Potosí: la riqueza minera de la ciudad, las desgracias naturales y la negociación frente a estas entre ser humano y divinidad. Arzáns opta por una...
The Life of Lazarillo de Tormes and of his Machine Learning Adversities: Non-Traditional Authorship Attribution Techniques in the Context of the Lazarillo
Abstract Summit work of the Spanish Golden Age and forefather of the so-called picaresque novel, The Life of Lazarillo de Tormes and of His Fortunes and Adversities still remains an anonymous text. Although distinguished scholars have tried to attribute it to...
Aplicación de nuevos modelos digitales para el conocimiento del patrimonio tardogótico en Andalucía
Este estudio busca proporcionar nuevas aproximaciones, con un enfoque transdisciplinar, sobre el contexto del patrimonio Tardogótico de una manera multiescalar que proporcionaría el entendimiento de ese conjunto de elementos que se interactúan entre sí. En el caso...
Overview – The Social Media Data Processing Pipeline
This chapter provides a broad introduction to the modelling, cleaning, and transformation techniques that must be applied to social media data before it can be imported into storage and analysis software. While each of the above topics in itself encompasses a wide...