Scaling Up Qualitative Research Methods with Natural Language Processing Tools: The Case-Study of Colombia’s 2018 Presidential Election on Twitter
Traditional qualitative methods have the capacity to create rich and nuanced understandings of participants’ lived experiences, but this richness in understanding has often been at the expense of scale. For instance, Mason (2010) completed an empirical analysis of the...
Analysis of the Principled AI Framework’s Constraints in Becoming a Methodological Reference for Trustworthy AI Design
There exists an increasing concern among practitioners, academics, and researchers regarding biased decisions while using artificial intelligence, specifically machine learning, in order to arrive at a given set of possible decisions. Some countries like the United...
Agent-based modelling for cultural networks. Tagging by artificial intelligent cultural agents
In this chapter, we present a model based on cultural agents, that is, human-like agents whose main framework of interactions is defined by its belonging to cultural networks. In this context, a cultural network is assumed to be made up of basic units in which an...
Filosofía de la interrupción
La interrupción es el concepto clave para mirar el futuro a partir de 2020. Si sólo pudiéramos aprender una lección de los meses de interferencias que hemos vivido desde marzo de 2020, deberíamos concienciarnos de que las interrupciones de la vida provocadas por la...