This is a panoramic view of the state of the art in the area of Golden Age literature in Canadian universities. it explains the peculiarities of the Canadian academic setting as compared to Europe and the US, and it also shows some projects of special interest.
Perspectivismo Informacional y Ritmo Político en La Vida es un Sueño
Departing from a definition of "informational perspectivism" and making use of different theories of information, this Uncategorized shows how the deliberate disorganization of the information by Calderón serves the purpose of confusing the audience and marking the...
Nuevas Tecnologías y Patrimonio Cultural. Más allá de la Digitalización: El caso del Hispanic Baroque Project
En los últimos años las nuevas tecnologías han demostrado su utilidad y alto valor en el campo de la preservación y difusión del patrimonio cultural, poniendo a disposición de los expertos en el área estándares y herramientas cada vez más depuradas y...
Tecnologías del Humanismo
This books introduces the idea of Humanism as a set of technologies of culture that take preeminence in the social and political organization of 16th and 17th-century Spain and America. This technologies play an important adaptive role in an environment that had...
A Virtual Laboratory for the Study of History and Cultural Dynamics
This Uncategorized presents a Virtual Laboratory that enables the researcher to try hypotheses and confirm data analysis about different historical processes and cultural dynamics. This Virtual Cultural Laboratory (VCL) is developed using agent-based modeling...
The Potosí Principle: Religious Prosociality Fosters Self-Organization of Larger Communities under Extreme Natural and Economic Conditions
We show how in colonial Potosí (present-day Bolivia) social and political stability was achieved through the self-organization of society through the repetition of religious rituals. Our analysis shows that the population of Potosí develops over time a series of...