This paper presents the results of a multi- disciplinary collaboration in Digital Humanities that focuses on the multi-scale analysis of the network of Baroque paintings in the territories of the Hispanic Monarchy from the 16th through the 18th centuries. We apply...
The Neo-Baroque, a Cultural Solution
What Neo-Baroque artists propose in exhibitions like Barroco Nova are different forms to walk those pathways, new ways to establish connections, various hints at the hidden patterns inside information networks. Triggering the imagination of the spectator to envision...
Para una Teoría de la Realidad Virtual en Calderón
¿Por qué es importante pensar la obra de Calderón de la Barca a partir de un concepto aparentemente tan alejado del siglo xvii como el de la realidad virtual? Por tres razones: la realidad virtual no está tan distante del siglo xvii como pudiera parecer a primera...
El Humanista Digital
La era digital ha transformado de manera profunda el sentido y la proyección de las humanidades. Pero no en el sentido catastrofista que algunos temen. Para Stanley Fish, el trabajo de académico de las humanidades empleado por una universidad para enseñar textos...
SylvaDB: a Polyglot and Multi-Backend Graph Database Management System
This paper presents SylvaDB, a graph database management system designed to be used by people with no technical knowledge. SylvaDB is based on flexible schema definitions and has been developed taking into account the need to deal with semantic information. It relies...
Towards a Digital Geography of Hispanic Baroque Art
In this Uncategorized we propose an approach to the study of art history based on geography of Hispanic Baroque art by digital means that showcase the multiplicity of possible places of art. Our study advances four elements of a digital geography of art (communities,...