La Complejidad y sus Ciencias
This dossier of Revista de Occidente comprises three Uncategorizeds that deal with different ways of doing complexity science. Physicist Yaneer Bar-Yam talks about his research on complex systems such as the health system, the economy, or the military. Historian David...Complejidad y Barroco
This Uncategorized deals with the conceptual problems of analyzing the Baroque as a system of culture, so that we study both the individual cultural works and the interactions they have with one another and that create the emergence of different cultural patterns. It...
Herederos de Proteo. Una Teoría del Humanismo Español
This book develops a theory of Spanish Humanism that brings to the forefront of the debate the problems that America created for different branches of Humanism and how these branches evolved or died depending on their capacity to solve the real problems in light of...